Hi everyone, my name is Emma Williamson! Below I have attached my answers to the “Learning Pod Self Reflection questions”. I hope this provides some insight into the type of person I am and the ways in which I work best!

What is your preferred mode of remote communication?

  • My preferred mode of remote communication would probably be iMessage (Text) or Instagram direct message for group projects and school assignment communication. These are two platforms that I check frequently allowing me to give quick responses and opinions. However, I am open to using different forms of communication including email etc. 

What are your communication strengths? 

  • I would say that my strengths in terms of communication consist of a strong ability to actively listen. I can listen attentively and understand other’s messages without interruption, and I make a point of trying to comprehend everything that the speaker has to say. I also try to communicate with clarity in a concise manner, meaning that I try not to overcomplicate the topic I am sharing to make my message easily understood. 

What are your communication weaknesses? Where would you like to grow? 

  • One area where I think I could grow in terms of communication skills would have to be my questioning skills. I think that I could become better at asking follow-up questions that elicit more information from the speaker. Growth in this area may include the enhancing my ability to ask open ended questions that promote deeper discussion. 

Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? 

  • I feel as though I would consider myself someone who is almost in between an introvert and an extrovert. I am someone who generally has many ideas that I am more than happy to share. I am also someone who is very social and enjoys active conversation with others. However, I am not someone who has the need to make all my ideas heard and I am also happy letting someone else take the lead and quietly following instructions. 

What time zone are you in? 

  • Pacific Daylight-Saving Time 

What time of day do you prefer doing academic work? 

  • I generally like to get schoolwork done in the morning, but generally considering the volume that I have I do academic work into the afternoon and evenings as well. I am not someone who prefers working late at night. 

When you are upset do you tend to share this with others or keep it to yourself? 

  • I generally keep this information to myself. Although I do not think there has been very many occasions where I would consider myself truly “upset” during group work for an academic project. 

What do you like about group work? 

  • I like collaboration and hearing other people’s ideas and opinions. Often when you work with others you get to see things from different perspectives which I find interesting and beneficial for overall learning. 
  • Sometimes group work can be difficult in terms working on a timeline. I am someone who doesn’t like leaving things super last minute, but other people work efficiently this way so I think differences like this among group members can pose a challenge sometimes. 

What else would you like your team to know?

  • Nothing that comes to mind! Excited to meet my team and get started on the first project!